Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Way to Make Carbon Storage Pay

A Way to Make Carbon Storage Pay


Putting carbon dioxide in hot brines can create methane to be sold. A carbon dioxide will be saved and be stored underground. In the hot brine, it will turn to methane. AFter it will be sent back underground and the process creates methane.  Methane can be sold and used for heating and paying. This is a costly process and time consuming. The outcome is more money, which is unfortunately a large part of the goal.

Rapid DNA sequencing cleared for the clinic

Rapid DNA sequencing cleared for the clinic


These news DNA sequencing devices are soon to be used for clinics. This is a great discovery in chemistry. Clinics use these devices for diagnostics and tests. This was developed by Fred Sanger who recently passed, but was a 2 time nobelist in chemistry. In Illumina this is going to be used by running cystic fibrosis over  diagnostic tests.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

How zinc starves lethal bacteria to stop infection

How zinc starves lethal bacteria to stop infection


Streptococcus pneumoniae is responsible for killing children, the elderly and many other people by causing pneumonia, meningitis, and other serious infectious diseases. Zinc plays the role by blocking a certain area that bacteria needs to travel in, and ends up starving it. It blocks a protein transporter, where bacteria gets manganese, a metal that helps cause disease with the bacteria. If manganese wasn't existent, the bacteria would be harmless and removable simply. This is a useful discovery and can help save millions of lives in the future.

New generation of micro sensors for monitoring ocean acidification

New generation of micro sensors for monitoring ocean acidification


This recently discovered is a great improvement in the science department in the world. This technology helps and gives the acidity in pH of ocean water. This, unfortunately, can only work in sea water issues. Oceans become more acidic when atmospheric carbon dioxide.  When carbon dioxide dissolves in oceans, it becomes acidic. Acidity will ruin marine life and marine economies, also. This can detect and sense human impact affecting a region. This technology can improve ways  to act about the marine problems, and deal with human troubles.

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Far-Flung Possibility for the Origin of Life


Scientists believe we are all martians. Scientists observed chemicals that could have supported life in areas like Mars. This can prove that life did not start on Earth but out of the Earth's atmosphere. Small organic compounds reacts as they would to support life. The RNA researched can be combined to be DNA which are in genes of humans. Both planets have many similarities and this is a huge discovery with very supportive evidence.

Recycling Valuable Materials Used in TVs, Car Batteries, Cell Phones


In hybrid cars and flat screen tvs, all carry valuable sources inside them. The valuable material are being wasted and thrown out everyday. Scientists created a new method to recycle these materials safely. An example of this is terbium is a metal used in a knife. Scientists can release this material from the knife and use this valuable metal for other uses. Or since terbium may be projected to be all used up in 30 years, scientists can preserve this metal. The process of taking these materials out of objects was by using a nanomaterial known as nano-magnesium hydroxide. This process can be proven to be very helpful in the future.

Friday, October 25, 2013

A Novel Way to Clean Wastewater

A Novel Way to Clean Wastewater


A scientist wanted to find the material in explosives made a powerful sponge that can take in material like gas, motor oil, and pesticides in water. A new material can be sold from this. This item can safely restore and clean wastewater. Having clean water and getting rid of waste from the clean water was always a huge problem and safety issue. This new product can be sold in stores and will help clean the environment.

Made in Lab, Fleeting Element May Join Periodic Table

Made in Lab, Fleeting Element May Join Periodic Table


This new element has 115 protons meaning its atomic number is 115. This element takes the place of the empty space between elements 114 and 116. This will also help discover element 113 , with similar properties. The element was created when, calcium nuclei were put into americium atoms. A calcium and an americium formed, creating a new atom with 115 protons in its nucleus. Later, under second, it fell apart. The researchers concluded its existence from the pieces of debris.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Device Harnesses Sun and Sewage to Produce Hydrogen Fuel

New Device Harnesses Sun and Sewage to Produce Hydrogen Fuel

At the University of California, a new discovery of an invention was made. This device uses microbial fuel cells, solar cells called photoelectrochemical cells. The microbial fuel, the bacteria in it takes the organic materials from water, and possibly creates electricity. The electricity that is produced is used with the photoelectrochemical cells and can split water. The outcome of this is hydrogen and oxygen are produced in the process of hydrolysis. 

Scientists Create a Super Antioxidant

Scientists Create a Super Antioxidant

Scientists from Rice University made better an element from car's catyltlic converter and are now using it in the medical field. Small form of cerium oxide topped with a layer fatty oelic acid was created. This creation can help treat brain trauma, cardiac arrest, and even Alzheimer's disease. Also, this can help with long term effects for astronauts. This oxide can give out oxygen ions, which is a chemical reaction. This reaction is called reduction oxidation!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Federal Helium Reserve Remains Open

A horrible event was avoided occurred when President Obama signed a bill to let the Federal Helium Reserve to continue business. This Reserve in Texas was responsible of 42% of helium in U.S. and over 30% of the worlds. This reserve was meant to close October 7th, but luckily President Obama signed this bill to avoid the law that was going to close this reserve. Chemical services and centers rely on this place to provide helium everyday, and was just nearly avoided closing


Scientists publish theory, formula to improve 'plastic' semiconductors 

Flexible electrons were said to  be discovered recently. This amazing discovery can lead to new ways to produce clothes, and most of all products could be easily bendable. Chips, from computers which are generally made from wires and inorganic semi-conductors,which are the reasons for the non- flexibility in items. These semi-conductors were experimented with from plastic items, and polymers which bend very easily.   


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chemists find binding site of protein that allows plant growth

Chemists find binding site of protein that allows plant growth

Research shows a site in the plant cell wall that makes it possible for plants to be grown. This discovery can lead to mass production of harvests and renewable energy. Only a small amount of protein is in cell growth. This discovery was time consuming and very difficult because the cell walls are really complex. 

Feast to famine: Oxygen starvation regulates fat cells in obesity

Feast to famine: Oxygen starvation regulates fat cells in obesity

According to studies, lack of oxygen may be good for you. Proteins are good for adipogenesis, which turn cells to adipose (fat) cells. Adipose is needed for the body. The reason for obesity is bad treatment of the adipose is not oxygenated enough. These facts were proved when scientists tested it on mice.

Scientists create never-before-seen form of matter

Scientists create never-before-seen form of matter

Students from MIT and Harvard are experimenting with light. Coax photons joined and made molecules at a center for Ultracold Atoms. This is a new discovery and opposes the theory of the nature of light. They are called photonic molecules, and were only used in science fiction, as in a light saber from Star Wars!

IUPAC votes to change standard atomic weights of 19 elements

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) voted to change the standard atomic weight for 19 elements to make the weight more exact. The IUPAC has controlled changes in the Periodic Table of Elements since 1919. When these changes are used in the Elements, it is said that the format and changes will be made in the Periodic Table of Elements. Exact weights help archaeologists get better examples for the element, and these changes will take place sometime next year.